General Frequently Asked Questions

How do I upload?

1. Go to Jamaica Classified Online:
2. At the Top Right corner of the website click the Menu icon (three-lines) beside “Hi Guest”
3. Enter the email and password provided above.
4. Once logged in, select the Menu icon (three-lines) again.
5. Along the list of option Select Post an Ad
6. Enter required details for the item being listed
7. Upload images if necessary.

Do I have to pay to upload?

To upload an Ad on the site is free of cost, however, we do offer additional services at a cost if you wish for your Ads to be more visible to viewers.

Can I advertise my business or service?

Yes, you can advertise your business or service with us for further assistance you may dial the number provided:876-970-5657

How long are my ads active for?

Your Ads will remain active on the site unless removed from your account if the offer is no longer available.

How do I sign up?

To sign up you can click on the link provided: You can then enter the required information such as your name, email and password to create an account.

How do I access your rental assistance or search assistance?

You can access our rental service via our WhatsApp line by clicking this link or using these numbers, 876-852-4016 or 876-486-8274

How do I access premium ads?

After you upload your free ad, while still logged in and viewing your ad, look for the 'Go Premium' button link shown on your Ad.

How to deactivate my ad?

Once logged into your account, select the menu icon (“three lines at the top right”)

Select “My Ads”, then click on the Ad you wish to deactivate.

Select the three dots to the far right where you will see an option listed to deactivate.

How to edit my ad?

Once logged into your account, select the menu icon (“three lines at the top right”)

Select “My Ads”, then click on the Ad you wish to edit.

Select the three dots to the far right where you will see an option listed to edit.

Is this service really free?

Yes, the service to post an Ad on the site is free of cost.

How do you make money?

Our website is owned by our award-winning parent company ThinkBrite Solutions where we offer various services, focusing on software, applications and web development.

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