Search & Rental Assistance Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the subscription last?

The subscription will last for 30 days once it has been activated.


How soon will I get a place?

This is dependent on the availability of listings based on your criteria. Once listings are found that match your preference this will be provided to you.


How much does it cost?

The cost for the search assistance service is 2500 JMD or 20 USD.


How often will I get notified?

You will be notified continually throughout the 30 day period once a match is found.


Where can I make payments?

Payments can be made to our Scotia account (Think Brite Solutions Limited) via online transfer, deposit to physical bank location or through a PayPal account once the account number is provided.


Why do I have to pay?
The service is offered to provide assistance for individuals for tasks that may be of an inconvenience, we, therefore, provide an easier method which is effective based on our strategies and resources.


Am I the first person to receive a list?

The list that is sent may not only be sent to you but it includes various options which fall under your criteria. We encourage subscribers to readily make use of the list provided as listings go very quickly due to high demand.


Do you post the availability first on the site? Or do you send me first?

A variety of listings some of which are posted on the site will be sent to you, however not all listings that are on the website are visible individuals which provide subscribers with a wider variety to select from.


Do you resend the Sunday Papers?
Our listings that are provided are sourced from various mediums which may include the Sunday Papers.


Will I be guaranteed a house?

A service is offered to provide search assistance where the outcome is often positive, however, there is not a definite guarantee which is depending on the scarcity and preferences surrounding your criteria.


What if I don’t receive anything during the 30 days of my subscription?

The chances to not receive any listings are depending on the scarcity of the listings which you desire. In the event that you have not received any listings, we will extend your subscription to allow for more time to get results.

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