
Caregiver Service Available For Two Senior Persons

Caregiver Service Available For Two Senior Persons

2 years ago
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Additional Information

Hi, I'm a welness Coach looking for an edlderly person or disable person to live with and care for.

I will rent my space while taking on the task of a caregiver.

Inclusive of the package I offer:


1. Own Furnish Room, bathroom including A.C unit, cable televsion and well comfortable furnitures. 

2. Monthly Visit to the hospital or doctor including medication refill

3. Nutrious meal base on doctors adavice

4. Wellness and exercise program

5. Tiding three times daily and charge of diaper if necessary

5. Outing and recreational activties such as movie night, visit  and park, house is also suited where on a beach front. 


My cost for everthing including rent is U.S 3000 monthly or JMD $450,000

I prefer to work with someone who is overseas or someone who can pay the cost on time.


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Christine B
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Christine B
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